We have tracked, categorized under Health, over 16 funding programs and $286,427,360 allocated funding to date.

Recent published funding opportunities:

Funding Opportunity

Funding Number: 720620NOTICE240002
Agency: Nigeria USAID-Abuja
Funding Amount: $60,000,000
Support of Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) using Integrated Modeling Apply for CDC RFA GH16 1602

Funding Number: CDC RFA GH16 1602
Agency: Centers for Disease Control - CGH
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Kenya Digital Health Ecosystem Apply for 72061524RFA00005

Funding Number: 72061524RFA00005
Agency: Kenya USAID-Nairobi
Funding Amount: $14,334,675
Tribal Self-Governance Negotiation Cooperative Agreement Program Apply for HHS 2024 IHS TSGN 0002

Funding Number: HHS 2024 IHS TSGN 0002
Agency: Indian Health Service
Funding Amount: $84,000
Sustained HIV epidemic control and improved health outcomes through strengthened primary health care and social service platforms in Botswana Apply for 72067423RFA00017

Funding Number: 72067423RFA00017
Agency: Agency for International Development, South Africa USAID-Pretoria
Funding Amount: $58,280,672
National Lupus Outreach and Clinical Trial Education Program Apply for MP CPI 23 003

Funding Number: MP CPI 23 003
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health
Funding Amount: $500,000
Delta Region Rural Health Workforce Training Program Apply for HRSA 22 114

Funding Number: HRSA 22 114
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Enhancing Regional Capacity for Vector Surveillance and Control in the US territories in the Caribbean Apply for CDC RFA CK21 2103

Funding Number: CDC RFA CK21 2103
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control - NCEZID
Funding Amount: $5,000,000
Global Reach I Apply for HRSA 21 066

Funding Number: HRSA 21 066
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Mental Health Awareness Training Apply for SM 21 007

Funding Number: SM 21 007
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Adminis
Funding Amount: $16,778,013
Local Partner Service Delivery Activity (LPSDA) - HIV Clinical, OVC, Family Planning, Reproductive Maternal Neonatal Child Adolescent Health (FP/RMNCAH) Activities Apply for 72061519RFI000003

Funding Number: 72061519RFI000003
Agency: Agency for International Development, East Africa USAID-Kenya
Funding Amount: $109,200,000
Small Rural Hospital Improvement Program (SHIP) Apply for HRSA 19 020

Funding Number: HRSA 19 020
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
High-End Instrumentation (HEI) Grant Program (S10 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Apply for PAR 18 598

Funding Number: PAR 18 598
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health
Funding Amount: $2,000,000
TB Platforms for Sustainable Detection, Care and Treatment Activity Apply for 72049218RFA00001

Funding Number: 72049218RFA00001
Agency: Agency for International Development, Philippines USAID-Manila
Funding Amount: $20,000,000
Rwanda: Prevention of Malnutrition in Huye District Apply for DOS RWANDA PE 2017 02

Funding Number: DOS RWANDA PE 2017 02
Agency: Department of State, U.S. Mission to Rwanda
Funding Amount: $250,000
Optimizing Momentum Toward Sustainable Epidemic Control Apply for HRSA 17 103

Funding Number: HRSA 17 103
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration
Funding Amount: Case Dependent


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